Re: [New Plugin] BuddyPress Group Forum Extras
A suggestion for AJAXed quote, perhaps add a link to the post that’s mentioned for the “said” text.
nice, i’ll add that in there
Also couldn’t BBcode be enabled across all components and not just the forums? I had a similar port of _ck_’s BBcode plugin doing this.
If you use internal only bbpress – then just install Viper’s Shortcode BBCode and it works in buddypress activity updates (some reason buddypress does not include the shortcode filter on forum content – but that subplugin will enable it)
if external, then just hook this filter on whatever _before_save stuff bp_forum_extras_bbcode_it
(but i can add a small option to do this).
Love it was adding the tinymce to forums today
i have markitup working on an external bbpress but i noticed someone already wrote a markitup wordpress plugin – i was going to see what it takes to extend that into BP