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Re: Moderate Signup / Restrict Registration



@crashutah Yes, Welcome Pack will work that way. The extra work for me to activate is, however, annoying as you presumed.

@vanmurray Manual Member Approve will also work. But I still have to manually send an e-mail back to the user containing their username and password. One more step that I’d like to avoid.

Temporarily, either of those solutions will work. However, I still think that simply sending the activation e-mail/url to the admin(s) would be the best solution for me.

I’ve got a very small extension to get this figured out how I would like. If I cannot get help, or figure it out on my own, then I’ll have to use of these two brute-force methods.

So, still looking for help on how to get the activation e-mails sent to the admin(s) instead of the corresponding user after registration. Thanks everyone.

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