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Re: Integrate with WordPress?



Hi, welcome to BuddyPress.

BuddyPress is a WordPress plugin and available for download within your WP admin panel. Within plugins, click on “add new” and search for buddypress. You can install it from there.

BuddyPress Documentation:

Also, there are a few things to be aware of – depending upon the version of WordPress and Hosting. For example, in your .htaccess, you may need to increase the amount of memory alloted to php.

A few steps and cautions
1. Make sure you have the database and files backed up.
2. If possible, practice on a local site or developer site before you try this on your live site.
3. Deactivate your other plugins first.
4. Check your permalink structure
5. Download and activate the buddypress plugin.
6. A new panel should appear in your WP-admin panel
7. Activate the default buddypress theme.
8. Activate forums (if you are interested)
9. Test your site
10. Activate one plugin at a time – and verify the site after each activation

Come here and find extensions – ask questions – etc :)

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