Re: image link in a plugin folder – dev question
Edit: Iv’e come right using the last method ( thanks r-a-y for all your halp..again <img src="smileys/heart.gif" width="" height="" alt="<3" title=" )
@r-a-y Ive gotten the value’s to save an an array, example from my db: a:2:{i:0;s:3:”one”;i:1;s:3:”two”;}
Now I take it I have to use steralize, while Im reading up on that.. have I used in_array correctly as Im finding info hard to come by?
$group_card = groups_get_groupmeta( $group->id, 'gcard_group_card' );
if (in_array($group_card == 'one')){
$group_card = gcard_one();
if (in_array($group_card == 'two')){
$group_card = gcard_two();
return apply_filters( 'gcard_get_group_card', $group_card );
or should it look more like:
echo gcard_one();