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Re: Plugins required




Some thoughts:

1. Forums – WordPress are developing a new approach to forums, releasing bbPress as a plugin. A beta is due mid September, with a key BuddyPress developer leading the initiative. Have a Google / Bing and check that one out

2. Tutorials – I suggest creating these in a sub-blog dedicated to tutorials (each tutorial is a separate post in the blog – video / image uploading is then no problem). Maybe use a forms plugin (e.g. gravity) if you want front end posting. There should a standard WP plugin that allows post ratings

3. Job Board – these is a plugin out there from @travel-junkie :

4. Community Store – check out some of the WP extensions for e-commerce. Shopp and WP-commerce seem to be the main contenders

5. There is a facebook connect plugin (have a search in these forums) and @modemlooper is doing some work with twitter. It depends whether you are talking about connecting accounts (e.g. facebook connect), or simply sharing activity on social sites (facebook like, tweet this, etc.). There are loads of plugins / code snippets you can install for sharing (check out shareThis and their snippets for WordPress)

Cheers, Roger

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