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Re: mobile theme for buddypress?



I’ve been experimenting with WordPress Mobile Pack on my BuddyPress site. Made some progress so I thought I’d share how…

Context is BuddyPress already installed, WordPress Mobile Pack installed:
1) enable Appearance – Mobile Switcher
2) set the mobile theme to “WordPress Mobile (blue)” or other, but not base!!!
3) under Appearance – Menu, create a new custom menu (for mobile navigation) with the following 4 URL links…
Link: Activity /pathto/activity/
Link: Members /pathto/members/
Link: Groups /pathto/groups/
Link: Forums /pathto/forums/
4) add the custom menu to the bottom of your sidebar, under Widgets (unfortunately visible for non-mobile too, but it not too conspicuous)
5) now under Appearance – Mobile Widgets enable only that custom menu (otherwise mobile navigation is a problem)
6) the BuddyPress links don’t work as the mobile theme isn’t compatible, so hack them in on the command line:
$ cd ?pathto?/wp-content/themes/mobile_pack_base/
$ ln -sf ../../plugins/buddypress/bp-themes/bp-default/activity ./
$ ln -sf ../../plugins/buddypress/bp-themes/bp-default/forums ./
$ ln -sf ../../plugins/buddypress/bp-themes/bp-default/members ./
$ cd ../mobile_pack_blue/ (or the one you’re using, but not base)
$ ln -sf ../../plugins/buddypress/bp-themes/bp-default/groups ./

Your good to go! You can’t use the mobile base theme as it already has a “groups” directory which stuffs things up (if you’re not a nokia).

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