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Just to add my 2 cents,
I’m using Eclipse as my IDE, and have had great luck with phpeclipse and subclipse. Because eclipse is java based it is cross platform, for the ide and plugins. I have used this setup on both a Ubuntu system and my Current Mac.
I have 3 projects currently “checkout out” the Buddypress trunk, the WPMU trunk, and my private svn for personal development. This allows me to look at source code for everything. I only have submission permissions on my private svn, which is probably good.
On my server I can also use the command line and checkout the files and copy them into the required directories.
Hopefully this inspires someone,
The nice thing about themes, they are just html. Which is free to look at and examine. Chances are if you take a look at the source, and spend a few minutes in an image editor you will find this “theme” pretty easy to replicate.
What will be much harder to do is the quality job Andy has done integrating bbpress inside of buddypress. This blend on is seamless, and very difficult to achieve at this point without a lot of “deep intergration”.
But take a look at the source, and I think you will see it holds most the answers.
That is an old url, due to WordPress naming policies he had to change his domain name, the correct link should now be:
Looks like there was no progress made.
For my site I have just inserted a simple java client for freenode IRC. This allows site members to either use the chat online or with their favorite irc client.
Check out Google Ad Manager:
I don’t know if you wanted a hosted solution or what, but they do a nice job.
Also there is openx, hosted or self hosted and there are many openx plugins already for WP.
I smell iphone app in the works…
I have been trying to decide how to best deliver content to iphone users. I know most would be ok with the regular pages, but some want to feel special. The problem is my user base doesn’t have enough iphone users to warrent the extra development time for a free app.
I’m going to end up changing it to comments on my site, eventually, but for now I’m just letting it be wire.
There is a great plugin,
Updated for WPMU 2.7 – New features include the ability to delete the Mr. WordPress initial comment, the ability to place the initial Hello World post in draft mode (so it won’t show up on the site), a bunch of new discussion settings for 2.7 users, the default large image size, and more. Allows a site admin to set new blog defaults via an administrative screen in the site admin area.
This maybe a good starting point for you
* bp_create_excerpt()
* Fakes an excerpt on any content. Will not truncate words.
* @package BuddyPress Core
* @param $text str The text to create the excerpt from
* @uses $excerpt_length The maximum length in characters of the excerpt.
* @return str The excerpt text
function bp_create_excerpt( $text, $excerpt_length = 55, $filter_shortcodes = true ) { // Fakes an excerpt if needed
$text = str_replace(‘]]>’, ‘]]>’, $text);
$text = strip_tags($text);
if ( $filter_shortcodes )
$text = preg_replace( ‘|\[(.+?)\](.+?\[/\\1\])?|s’, ”, $text );
$words = explode(‘ ‘, $text, $excerpt_length + 1);
if (count($words) > $excerpt_length) {
array_push($words, ‘[…]’);
$text = implode(‘ ‘, $words);
return stripslashes($text);
* bp_get_options_avatar()
* Gets the avatar for the current sub nav (eg friends avatar or group avatar).
* Does not check if there is one – so always use if ( bp_has_options_avatar() )
* @package BuddyPress Core
* @global $bp The global BuddyPress settings variable created in bp_core_setup_globals()
What you want is:
<?= bp_core_get_avatar( $user->user_id, 2, 75, 75 ) ?>
to answer the 2nd part of your question:
Buddypress uses bbpress-live, which is an api interface for bbpress. If there is a api interface for vbulletin, it would be pretty straight forward to make an api interface for it.
It looks like there is an api, here is the code documentation:
But, after a quick review, I don’t see anyway to read the forum posts?
Wow, that is a tricky idea.
sharing groups, means you probably need to share the users table, which means you might as well run a single install. (because users are referenced by ID, having seperated user tables means there could and would be overlap)
your 2nd bullet, profile pics only viewable by members of the same gender, probably would want to edit the display avatar functions, that shouldn’t be too hard. Probably want to make a list on paper of places the avatars appear, and confirm those places are calling functions and not just using values directly from sql queries.
3rd bullet, what may make sense is adjust the “is_logged_in” function, with some creative hacking, you could compare gender of who is logged in, to the profile of who is being viewed.
I think if you create a quick and dirty function along the lines of this:
function genderCheck($userID){
if(genderOf($bp->user->loggedin) == genderOf($userID))
return true
return false
and then this function
function genderOf($userID){
// sql stuff
return $gender;
YES I KNOW IT IS BAD CODE, I just wanted to point you in a direction.
I would be interested in posting the code I have, for both my token system and rating system, but I’m holding all my code hostage until there is a photo album. Also, more importantly I’m waiting for Version 1.0, so I can ensure users will be using the code on the same base as I have tested it on. With frequent changes to the core, and not enough time to commit changes back to the plugin repo, It would quickly break plugins developed under beta code.
@Enrico Lamperti
you may want to take a look at:
The Friend of a Friend (FOAF) project
The Friend of a Friend (FOAF) project is creating a Web of machine-readable pages describing people, the links between them and the things they create and do; it is a contribution to the linked information system known as the Web. FOAF defines an open, decentralized technology for connecting social Web sites, and the people they describe. [more…]
FOAF is part of a shift towards a Web where we can choose the sites and tools we like, without being cut off from friends who made different choices. FOAF lets you share and inter-connect information from diverse sources, move it around, and use it in unexpected new ways. [more…]
1. congrats on the members
2. I don’t believe it has been done yet.
Depending on your mysql abilities, you may find it easier to just write a quick and dirty php file with a mysql connect to show members. The overhead that wordpress and buddypress would add to this process wouldn’t be worth the minimal gains of the buddypress functions.
But if you don’t know much mysql, then you may be forced to do it inside of an admin plugin.
Here are a few quick and dirty sql lines to get you started:
find all users:
SELECT user_nicename FROM wp_users;
find all users, and show full name (from profile fields)
SELECT users.user_nicename , profile.value FROM wp_users users, wp_bp_xprofile_data profile WHERE users.ID = profile.user_id AND profile.field_id =1
I highly recommend openx, depending on the volume of your site, this will allow you to do amazing things. It is your own ad server, so you can control impressions, clicks, etc.
add_action( 'bp_adminbar_menus', 'bp_adminbar_custom_menu', 40 ); function bp_adminbar_custom_menu() { ?> <li> <a>"<?php _e( 'Custom Pulldown', 'buddypress' ) ?></a> <ul>List Item</ul> </li> <?php }
The magic line is this:
I have started working on other versions, which could show netflix queue, hulu queue, or youtube streams. They all revolve around similar ideas.
This method has sort of been replaced by custom boxes, but due to the profile loop showing all fields, there is no easy way to get the users “favorite song, artist, band”, without it also displaying inside of the loop
We need to get Andy to changed the member theme not to show private profile fields, and then use those private profile fields in custom boxes to diaplay stuff. This would be a great way to ask for zipcode, and build a custom module to show a Google Map, or ask for birthday and just show a count down timer until their birthday.
Where I don’t expect this to be in the 1st version, but would be nice to get the details hammered out in early post release versions.
Handles the adding or editing of profile field data for a user.
function xprofile_admin_manage_field( $group_id, $field_id = null ) {
global $message, $groups;
$field = new BP_XProfile_Field($field_id);
$field->group_id = $group_id;
if ( isset($_POST) ) {
if ( BP_XProfile_Field::admin_validate($_POST) ) {
$field->name = $_POST;
$field->desc = $_POST;
$field->is_required = $_POST;
$field->is_public= $_POST;
$field->type = $_POST;
$field->order_by = $_POST[“sort_order_$field->type”];
if ( !$field->save() ) {
$message = __(‘There was an error saving the field. Please try again’, ‘buddypress’);
$type = ‘error’;
xprofile_admin($message, $type);
} else {
$message = __(‘The field was saved successfully.’, ‘buddypress’);
$type = ‘success’;
$groups = $groups = BP_XProfile_Group::get_all();
xprofile_admin( $message, $type );
} else {
} else {
line 199, in bp-xprofile-admin.php,
not really sure what you are asking
I hope Andy releases some code to support some of these Easter Eggs. Maybe we should hold an Easter Egg hunt, with prizes for everyone who can find unused Database fields or unused functions in the code. I know of a 1/2 dozen which I would really like to see implemented soon.
you can…
do this.. mark fields as private, change your profile fields to dispaly public only, and then use the values to generate a customer profile box.
You can easily get profile values directly, and can perform any calculations you want based on these values. But I’m sure it might be a little confusing to show these, so you need to have them marked as private. These private fields will not be shown once you modify the profile member theme.
Hope that gives you some ideas,
Legally Amazon will not allow me to host the product images. They host them for FREE, so I have no concern over the bandwidth.
As far as moving user generated content to s3, my site has a long way to grow before I need to start looking at offsite hosting.
I like my solution, I just built a general forum plugin, using the forum code from group forums and adopted it to work on a general level.
(disregard the large error, I have a ticket out for it, otherwise I need to hand edit a file everytime I do an update from svn)
It is a imported sudo automatically, when a search is performed, each result is cached in the database. Amazon has pretty strict requirements for caching, so I need to add more code to keep the data fresh, but cached at the same time. Basically as soon as you see a result it has been cached in the db. If someone performs the identical search within a set amount of time, it will returned the cached results.
For more amazon data:
I do need to add on some buy links to all members to purchase games from Amazon, which I will do in the next few days.
The next step is to figure out how I want to handle allowing members to pick platforms, ps3, wii, xbox etc. Also trying to get the accessories off the top page. But for a few hours work, I think it is a nice addition to the site.
I have built 2 components, 1 being a token system, and the 2nd being badges.
The tokens can be purchased via paypal, or earned from site admins. They can be used to by “gifts” to give to other members.
The badges are like setup like private gifts that have membership criteria, such as # of blog posts or # number of friends.
Setting up these wasn’t hard, and adding on a login action, to increase number of tokens if last login was over 4 hours ago wouldn’t be hard.
Buying and selling friends is pretty easy too, a little over done but can be built easily.
My suggestion take advantage of user meta and site meta to store values. These are also cached nicely so makes for slightly faster page loads.
Check them all out at: