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Re: 1.1 rc and r1964 – Page Not Found for Blog Members Groups and Forums



Is the CSS being loaded?

yes I see style when using the theme, but as I mentioned all the buddypress specific pages are “page not found” in otherwords the widgets and the regular MU stuff loads like blog posts and blog pages.

Have you changed the permalink settings in WPMU?

not recently. Currently:

custom /%postname%/

Do you have a htaccess file in your WPMU install?


Since you say you have uploaded manually, you may have missed a file or put something in the wrong place. Or perhaps the file/directory permissions need setting correctly? (I’m not sure what to, try 777 for a test)

well, I’ve reuploded everything at least once. Which files should be changed to 777? I didn’t see anything in the readme about making everything publicly editable.

Can’t you post url to your test site? is it local? or screenshots maybe?

no, because it is a real site, after I finish making sure Buddypress still doesn’t work, I deactivate the Buddypress plugin and reactivate my normal theme.

local? not sure what you mean by that.

everything LOOKs good except for the “page not found” where the normal content should be on buddypress pages. I see the style and widgets load.

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