Re: 1.2.6 upgrade date offset!!
Confirmed on the trunk. Brandon’s diagnosis and fix looks right.
It’s been fixed in the trunk: If you’re having the problem on 1.2.7, you should be able to fix it by making the following changes:
– In bp-xprofile/bp-xprofile-filters.php, change line 81 to
`$field_value = bp_format_time( $field_value, true, false );`
– In bp-core/bp-core-templatetags.php, change line 815 to
`function bp_format_time( $time, $just_date = false, $localize_time = true ) {`
and replace line 820 with the following lines:
`$root_blog_offset = false;
if ( $localize_time )
$root_blog_offset = get_blog_option( BP_ROOT_BLOG, ‘gmt_offset’ ); `
Thanks to Brandon for the fix.