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Re: 2 questions about the \\\\\\\”Recent Blog Posts-widget.\\\\\\\”



Sorry for my late reply in this thread!

Jeff, thanks for giving me some helping hints to my questions.!

Actually, I knew about the bp-core-templatetags.php and the bp_excerpt function, but as far as I can see this one only give me the opportunity to specify the lengt of the excerpt in words, and not charachters. The bad thing about this is that some words are some kind of loooooooong, and that is just… bad… :( So if there is anything I can do to actually specify the lenght in number of characters that would be perfect.. ? :)

I am afraid I can’t find any solution to my Q nr 2, but it’s really not a big deal. I’ll manage just fine by having the main blog post’s in the widget.

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