Re: 404 /blog /members etc… RC2 WPMU 2.7.1
– logs do not show any errors except the normal 404’s
x.x.x.x – – [24/Apr/2009:13:10:28 +0200] “GET /members/wildchild/ HTTP/1.0” 404 9959
– WPMU 2.7.1 is installed
– Buddypress RC2 is installed for sure ( has an error with the url in the title announcing the new version while pointing to the old! Only download zip is RC2 currently)
– RC2 default templates and custom templates do not change anything at all
– I’ve followed the upgrade instructions currently a dozen times
Do you have by any chance the sunrise (domain mapping) or any redirect plugins installed?
I tried by disabling them but I know WordPress is a little bit persistent on it’s redirections; if you got the same installed, it might be a good idea to look towards the mapping since the SLUGS are not working at all.