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Re: 404 errors – fresh install

John James Jacoby


@Frecking Wildchild: The problem with qTranslate is currently being addressed, kind of. Let’s hope these issues aren’t because of another URL re-writing plugin.

qTranslate also won’t play nice with BuddyPress because of a few issues I addressed in a recent BuddyPress core patch. I’m using qTranslate for a multilingual project I’m working on that also uses BuddyPress, so I’m learning the ins and outs of qTranslate as I go also. I’ve modified it to work as a site-wide plugin similar to BuddyPress, and I’ve created a patch/plugin to allow users to specify their default language in their user preferences.

BuddyPress won’t play nice with a whole lot of language switchers or URL hi-jackers yet, but it will as improvements are made to the core.

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