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Re: 404 flashes then redirects fine when creating groups

Kelly L Lockwood


Okay, I am still having this same problem, but now on a new website same server DELL PowerEdge 2950, same envrionment (Windows 2008 Server SP2, IIS 7, PHP v5.3.1, My SQL v5.1.41) I am using BP 1.2.2 svn 2853. I click on the “create group” link, i get a 404 error for 3 to 4 seconds and then it redirects to the proper url without a problem. I’ve created a test user account, it’s testuser with the password test2000 if anyone needs to verify the issue. Here is a copy of my web.config, I just gave the “groups” directory under my theme folder “full control”, so I am not sure what else it could be but something I am missing in my web.config? or any other thoughts?

<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?>




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