Re: activity feed – feed not working after upgrade 1.1.3
I modified the define in Bp-activity.php and while it made the RSS function work on the sitewide activity it also made the other rss links fail. I suggest a patch in the code to allow immediate functionality while I look further for the complete solution.
Here is my suggestion. find: yourdomainsetup/wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-activity/bp-activity-widgets.php and download the file as a backup or keep a copy in the folder on your server with a slightly modified name so you can change it back if you have issues after this patch.
type this line into a web browser and see if it gives you your feed, change your domain and install folder to the values for your site;
if it does, tell the PHP code to call it as follows
go to the same file; yourdomainsetup/wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-activity/bp-activity-widgets.php
edit the statement line (should be line 23) in bp-activity-widgets.php
that reads;
href=”‘ . bp_get_sitewide_activity_feed_link() . ‘”
to; href=”http://yourdomain/installfolder/buddypress/activity/feed”
Please report back the success or failure of this procedure. It seems possible that the inability to delete entries on the activity widget could be related to this. I will keep looking.
If you see a mistake in my instructions please correct them.
document this edit for yourself in case you need to change it back at a later date