Re: activity feed – feed not working after upgrade 1.1.3
thank you for your efforts. With your workaround to fix the sitewide activity feed link, you would still have to fix the rss feed reference in http header.
So here’s my suggestion – instead of using your workaround five posts above, modify the function bp_sitewide_activity_feed_link():
In wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-activity/bp-activity-templatetags.php, find around line 397:
return apply_filters( 'bp_get_sitewide_activity_feed_link', site_url( $bp->activity->slug . '/feed' ) );
And replace with:
return apply_filters( 'bp_get_sitewide_activity_feed_link', get_bloginfo( 'url'). '/buddypress/activity/feed' );
This also fixes the rss feed reference in http header.
[WPMU with BP 1.1.3 //
looking forward to BP 1.2 final]