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Re: Add more fields to Groups page



hello cosmican and andy or anyone really

i am also really keen on adapting and adding fields to the groups component.

I am just trying to learn and get my head around all the code. Sadly i cant quite find where to add the fields in the different pages.. i get to the create.php with this code..

<?php get_header() ?>

<div class=”content-header”>

<ul class=”content-header-nav”>

<?php bp_group_creation_tabs(); ?>


<div id=”content”>

<h2><?php _e( ‘Create a Group’, ‘buddypress’ ) ?> <?php bp_group_creation_stage_title() ?></h2>

<?php do_action( ‘template_notices’ ) // (error/success feedback) ?>

<?php bp_group_create_form() ?>


<?php get_footer() ?>

But then i cant find where to go to next. IE i cant find the page that has the fields on it to add in my own custom fields..

i would also be keen to see how you did it using the replacement of $bp with $bp… did that work for you??

I know this is all quite basic but i am trying to learn and use it for a major project..

so basically any help on adding in new fields in the group section..

My project is called spots kenya and i want to use the groups option as a kinda creat your own spot rather than group..

i basically need to have a few more fields that would integrate a google maps api location tag and possibly a few more custom fields.

Thanks so so much and i look forward to hearing from peoples reply..

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