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Re: aggregate activity stream from public groups

Hi Roger (and everyone else!), i think i’m going somewhere now, but will need some extra input. hopefully the thread will be an additional useful example!

ok, this is where i am at: default theme with the ajax controllers at the top of the activity stream. in the activity folder of the child theme i have an index.php and activity-loop.php and and entry.php.

basically i’ve got a ‘private’ area with content accessible only to staff. for normal post/pages i have is an extra check based on a custom field for posts and the category for pages like the following and then based on the group membership i either show a message or the actual content: (top)

now, because the group is private, the BP stuff is not showing in the activity stream already, which is good, but the posts/pages bypass my checks and come up in the list of activities showing the actual content which should be private instead.

so, here is what i came up with so far. using the index.php i check the group membership and then load two different activity-loops: (bottom)

how would you exclude stuff? in the bp_has_activity function there is an ‘include’ option which allows to filter content, but not an ‘exclude’ one. it might be trivial to go around it, but not sure how. furthermore if you use the dropdown filter i have the impression that the arguments are passed dynamically resetting whatever is passed in the original query (like in your example and some i’ve tried using the same model).

i would very much appreciate any further suggestion! thanks

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