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Re: Alignment in profile

Jeff Sayre


I am glad your issue is resolved! If that is the case, please set the light to green in both this thread and this one.

By the way, this is the particular question I asked in the other thread that you did not answer. I asked:

You also are saying that you did not touch the code or CSS within those two theme directories at all.

From your post above, it appears that you did indeed touch the CSS and that is what caused the problem.

As to your last question:

I take i need to be more selective in what put in sitewide.css is it not possible to just copy base.css and edit that?

Since you are in essence making a custom theme every time you touch a single piece of code or CSS in the default themes, you should follow this approach.

Make a copy of both bphome theme and bpmember theme. Give them new, unique names. Your theme customizations should be done in these copies, not the originals. That way, if you have issues with your custom themes (and we all do when working on customization), you can switch back to the standard BP themes to see how things should work.

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