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Re: Am I going mad or are there now avatars next to posts in the Activity stream?



The whole point of having a child theme is inheriting all the cool, new features of the parent theme; I think we shouldn’t be making comments after the fact BP 1.2.6 was released. The core team asked many times for testers to the 1.2 branch; some did test, but many did not.

Like it’s been stated, secondary avatars can be removed by getting rid of the filter. I do agree that blog avatars shouldn’t be used since you can’t even declare a blog avatar yet. However, you can get rid of that quite easily by duplicating the secondary avatar function and removing the “blogs” case.

The following code will work in your theme’s functions.php:

`function ray_secondary_avatar_fix() {
remove_filter( ‘bp_get_activity_action_pre_meta’, ‘bp_dtheme_activity_secondary_avatars’, 10, 2 );

// add the following if you still want secondary avatars, but omitting the blog one
function my_bp_dtheme_activity_secondary_avatars( $action, $activity ) {
switch ( $activity->component ) {
case ‘groups’ :
case ‘friends’ :
// Only insert avatar if one exists
if ( $secondary_avatar = bp_get_activity_secondary_avatar() ) {
$reverse_content = strrev( $action );
$position = strpos( $reverse_content, ‘a<' );
$action = substr_replace( $action, $secondary_avatar, -$position – 2, 0 );

return $action;
add_filter( ‘bp_get_activity_action_pre_meta’, ‘my_bp_dtheme_activity_secondary_avatars’, 10, 2 );
add_action( ‘init’, ‘ray_secondary_avatar_fix’, 9 );`

I do agree that there should be a better changelog for changes made to bp-default. Maybe in the codex?
[ EDIT: changelog created here – ]

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