Re: autocomplete not functioning when composing message
hi, everybody,
I’m also stuck in this….
But I got the solution…
actually i used the tipe from ‘wizard_clp’ that he identifies the location where the actual problem is…
for this you have to activate friends and also u have minimum one fiend to auto complete to workout.
then his problem is how to edit core files
i just copied that function ie ‘messages_autocomplete_init_jsblock’ into my theme unction page renamed it.
add it into the actions wp_head;
then i changed the class of that variable to make different from original one
ie var acfb =jQuery(“ul.first”).autoCompletefb({urlLookup:’root_domain . ‘/wp-load.php’ ?>’,inputClass : ‘.send-to-inputs’,});
i think this vl help you lot…
Thankz for the tip…
god bess you