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Re: avatars upload but cannot be cropped etc

Burt Adsit


@oceandoctor You probably could work around this by uploading two avs for each of your users, or just going with one of the default avs like ‘identicons’. (Site Admin > BuddyPress > Default Avatars)

I haven’t tried *turning off* a custom av though. One bp thinks you have one, you have one. If you want to run a generated av like identicon, try deleting the custom av and then configuring bp to use a stock one.

Avs come in to flavors. small and large. 50×50 and 150×150. Named: myfavav-avatar1.jpg and myfavav-avatar2.jpg. Once again bp remembers the url to these avs once uploaded and cropped. The easiest way to hook up to bp is to name them the same as the existing goofy avs. Just replace them.

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