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Re: bbpress posting errors? missing database tables!

Lumenbeing, the answer is yes, in my experience. I am testing WordPress MultiSite with BuddyPress on a Dreamhost setup. I did install by uploading via FTP, not via the one click, but for whatever reason, none of the BB Press tables were created in my database. I tried applying the patch in Paul’s post above, but that wasn’t enough and uninstalling and re-installing the forums via the Web still didn’t help.

I went through the MySQL statements in wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-forums/bbpress/bb-admin/includes/ and was able to create the tables manually in the SQL dialog box in phpMyAdmin. You do need to make sure you fill in the database names for the variable $bbdb in each statement
ie: CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `$bbdb->forums
needed to become
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `tablename_bb_forums`
But I am now able to use the forums for public/private/hidden groups as I expected they would work.
I do suspect this is a server issue and perhaps a MySQL version issue as well. I can’t imagine why none of the tables would be created, otherwise.
Hope this helps further the conversation.

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