Re: BP 1.0.3 and bbPress – Which version, plugins & cookies
Okay — So the answer to my last question was no. The user switch code is not needed.
Got everything up & going. Not sure what the deal was this morning. I guess that’s what I get for trying to do work at 5am when I’ve been up for 2 days straight. *laughs*
As an addition to the steps that Graeme so graciously outlined for us:
1. It’s alright to install BuddyPress first just in case you were wondering.
2. After you get the cookie settings from the bbPress integration plugin, it’s okay to deactivate & delete it. It works great for getting the settings but isn’t required to keep everything running & every extra plugin (even if deactivated) adds load time to pages.
3. On my own install, I have an extra cookie setting that needs added. It comes up with the plugin & it’s the admin_cookie_path. (Running via localhost – in case that matters)