Re: BP Album+ || New Features Requests and Discussion
Just off the top of my head I personally think the most important things to have in this plugin would be (with no regard for what is already done):
– Upload one or multiple images in one go.
– Add meta data to an image – title, description, date, geo? – perhaps just read the exif data too.
– Allow the creation of albums, add/move/delete photos in albums and albums themselves.
– Allow commenting on photos or albums (use the activity stream commenting system so it ties back to the stream and visa-versa).
– Add single photo uploads to the activity stream. If a batch has been uploaded or a new album created, show a gallery of thumbnails on one activity stream entry.
Once all that is done then these features would be cool:
– Tag members in a photo – add a “tagged in” sub tab to the albums tab that lists all the photos the user has been tagged in.
– Allow photo attachments on activity stream posts – extend the activity stream posting interface.
Honestly though, before adding any bells and whistles, just make sure that uploading/editing/deleting a photo and album works perfectly. That’s the main thing.