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Re: BP Album+ || New Features Requests and Discussion



Im so impressed with the beta so far!

Tags: We need to have options for multiple albums by tag or my own created categories like a regular blog to organize posts both ways.

Member Tags: It worked… when you create tags then it produced as an album on another member’s my pictures which I have to click through twice to see the picture. It will be easier to click once to see the picture instead creating album if I happen to create my own album with same tag as other created then it will be displaying in my existing album. I think the multiple album need to avoid using tags.

Picture activity and comments: Its cool but not for each single upload if I want to place them under same album instead postin new activity for each picture. Everyone will lose their interests in activity section with lots of members uploading their pictures.

Upload picture: It took me a while to upload 10 photos using a single upload option :( We must improve in this area to attract users to stay around instead going back to Facebook. It needs to improve when I upload multiple photos with my categories/albums instead tags because if I mistype the tag name then it create its own album instead the place where I want it to be in. Check the link for the image. It doesn’t look good on bp default theme when I tried to post 9 images without tag so it created its own album without tag so anyway my theme already been fixed at 960px width and the photos screwed up around. I have an issue with Picture title in the menu/navigation of bp-album because if I create a title longer than it should and it ll not be looking good. It should be removed from that area to avoid messing it up with longer title :)

Whats the difference between scale and resize option? So far, the admin side looked good and so curious how it looks with facebook and flickr at my end!

We need to improve creating albums instead tags or display my tags (albums) under upload page instead trying to remember many different tags. We need to polish some features before adding new ones. Hope we ll be seeing a mobile upload feature someday. That’s all folks!

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