Re: BP Avatars in bbPress
xmlrpc query from bbpress happens
xmlrpc query gets to wp
xmlrpc.php does include(wp-load.php)
wp-load.php does require_once(wp-config.php)
wp-config.php does require_once(wp-settings.php)
We are now in wp and it’s fired up.
wp services the xmlrpc request
We’re back in bbpress.
That’s what happens during an import from bbGroups.
During that process, at the beginning, in bbpress oci_bb_group_forums.php class.ixr.php is loaded because:
if (defined(BACKPRESS_PATH))
require_once( BACKPRESS_PATH . ‘/class.ixr.php’ );
We get to wp loading plugins and in oci_bp_group_forums.php we get to:
if (!defined(BBDB_NAME))
require_once(ABSPATH . WPINC . ‘/class-IXR.php’);
and class.ixr.php is not loaded again.
That should work. I’m not sure what isn’t working on your side.