Re: bp-group-calendar – not updating group activity
I officially hate the calendar plugin developed by WPMU-DEV. It took me about 15 minutes to fix this simple problem because there was so much code cruft in there. there was a function that SHOULD save the group activity update, but it was hooked in improperly. so then there was another long-winded function which was totally unnecessary because a built in BP one already exists. any way – very poor plugin. I don’t want to support it any more so I’m not re-releasing it. total crap.
Fix: at the very end of the bp_group_calendar_reg_activity() function ( around line 390) add this:
groups_update_groupmeta( $bp->groups->current_group->id, 'last_activity', gmdate( "Y-m-d H:i:s" ) );
good luck!