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Re: BP showcase – Lead us to water



Everybody is busy trying to live life and make a living. The folks at VOCE that made Tastykitchen indicated they would provide more information to the community.

Nick Gernert on July 31st, 2009 at 6:13 am

We’ll be doing some follow-up posts here with more details around how we’re accomplishing some of these things on this and other sites, so stay tuned.

Nothing yet that I could find, but hey business first.

What most sites could use is a “librarian.” Someone to take the common questions, forum posts and turn them into a functionality knowledge-base. I don’t expect that here soon, so my forum-searching skills will have to suffice.

I’m hardheaded and trial and error is how I learned everything so far anyway. What I am looking for is some road markers, not detailed directions. Once I get started, I’ll post what I’m planning and let the community shoot holes in it so I can learn. Heck, I’ve gotta get WPMU running on my home box first.

Justin Tadlock of Theme Hybrid fame did say that Tastykitchen could be accomplished using Hybrid as the WP-part of the parent theme. My plan is to do that and add the appropriate templates from the BP parent. I’ll build the child from there modifying the CSS and functions.php provided by BP and Hybrid. That ought to create a functioning site. Then I can work on the plugins needed for my project. Since I’m doing a single-blog, directory-structure install of WPMU, I’m hoping to get over that hurdle quickly. Hopefully, before I launch, the merge of WPMU and will be complete and I can complete that “upgrade” and test it before going live.

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