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Re: BP Template Pack integration vs BuddyPress child theme



@r-a-y Thanks for the good explaination.

@el_terko good to know you like The Cure, and thanks you for the positive feedback.

See, guys, the problem I am having here is that I would like to test the child theme option, but I am experiencing all kind of weird things.

For a start, with the intention of testing the new theme, I did the following:

1) Duplicated the original theme, called “cureuphoria” (the one with the BP Template Pack stuff)

2) Called the theme “childtheme”.

3) In “style.css” I put: Template: bp-default, to make it a child theme of the BP default

4) Because now “childtheme” got all the folder and files as the bp-default theme (from the BP template pack) I intentionally deleted the “activity-loop.php” file from the activity folder, in order to test that the child theme inherit properly from the default theme (and if it does I would delete the rest of the files that can be inherit).

5) Installed the User Theme plugin ( so that I can test the child theme while keeping the “cureuphoria” theme active (it allows you to switch theme for a particular user only, me).

Strange thing is, if I see the site with the user I set in the User Theme plugin, the activity page doesn’t have the loop (it doesn’t inherit it), and the layout is styled by the “bp.css” stylesheet, which I use to syle the BP components.

BUT: whenever I try to ACTIVATE the “childtheme” for real, on the live site, the loop is there (so id does inherit from the default theme), but “bp.css” doesn’t seem to be active. All the styles are gone.

In Firebug I see that there are several stylesheets that I don’t know where they come from called activity (I think 1, 2, 3, or something) and some part of the header background comes from the default theme style.

In CSS Edit I see there is a “bp.css” and when I export it, there is HTML in it. Not CSS.

It just get crazy!

Oh, and I deactivated the BP Template Pack to avoid conflicts.

I’m a little lost. Of from the child theme styelcheet I don’t link any of the deault theme styles, they shouldn’t get in the way, right? And why my “bp.css” file got no effect at all? I call it from the header.php as an external file.

Oh, AND: all the INCLUDES are broken and I got many for calling several widgets:


<?php include (TEMPLATEPATH . "/inc/curemates-bar.php"); ?>

I changed it to something like this, thinking that in buddypress it needs to be that way:

<?php locate_template( array( 'inc/curemates-bar.php' ), true ) ?>

But if I am not wrong I got the same function errors.

Well, what do you think it’s the best way to test a child theme, get things to work properly work as they should?

Sorry for the long post, I tried to keep it as breif as I could, without leaving anything out that may help get the picture.

Thanks for your advises.

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