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Re: BP1.2+ Plugin Wishlists



I find that the greatest gaps in functionality for the new site I’m putting together is in the integrated BBpress forums

BBpress is not part of Buddypress -> BBpress forums

When I ask about core BP issues here, I’m often referred to the WP or WPMU forums. But questions about BBpress are apparently OK. Why? I don’t get it. Personally I don’t see what forums have to do with a social network. You don’t see Facebook and LinkedIn integrating an oldfashioned linear forum.

So my wishlist? Remove forum integration so I don’t have to comment stuff out or have one more item in an already way too cluttered admin area.

And things like adding (parts of) TinyMCE to textareas you can do yourself if you know some basics of theme customization and read the instructions in the TinyMCE documentation.

(Edited by r-a-y to stay on topic)

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