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Re: bpContents 1.0 Alpha 2 Released

Burt Adsit


@roy , well what happens is that when you create a category, doesn’t matter where, it uses the exact string you type in as the title for the term and then strips it down and sanitizes it for the term’s slug. Part of that stripping and sanitization is to convert the title to lower case.

If you use a non-capitalized word such as ‘burt’ the first time you create the term. That becomes the title and the slug. If you use ‘Burt’ the first time a term is created then the title becomes ‘Burt’ and the slug becomes ‘burt’.

See the post above about terms. In any case if anywhere, in any tag or category use a lower case word then it uses that lower case word as the title.

I’m working on alpha 3 which will include the ability to alter the title and description for terms after they are created.

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