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Re: Buddypress-Ajax-Chat – Plugin not working : Fatal error



yes I have visited the authors forum found no actual solution , approx 4 month ago somebody asked there the same question , and the answer from the author was as follows :
Sorry, if I answered this in another method. I can’t recall. But this looks like you either did one of two things:
1. Have a space at the end of your bp-chat/chat/config.php file or
2. You didn’t chmod 777 your bp-chat/config directory

it didn’t worked for me ; firstly there is no config.php chat directory , its actialy is under chat/lib directory ………
and as I’m using it in localhost windows host the option 2. is not needed … but in case of option 1. there was no extra space in the lib/config.php , yet it didn’t worked….

I visited the authors profile here , but it seems the author in inactive for a certain time as its showing no recent activity .

this version of buddypressajaxchat is said to be working fine with wp 3.0 , but I have also tried it with wp 3.0, but again didn’t worked ……..

any solution would be much appreciated as I’m craving for this plugin as there no much self-hosted chat for buddypress…..

p.s. = Phpfreechat plugin – – is working very fine with the present version of wp and bp

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