Re: Buddypress Facebook Connect – Avatar problem.
I made a “solution” until someone have a better suggestion!
With file “bp-fbconnect.php” explained above:
if ( !$height ) {
if ( ‘thumb’ == $type )
$height = constant( ‘BP_AVATAR_THUMB_HEIGHT’ );
$height = constant( ‘BP_AVATAR_FULL_HEIGHT’ );
I just “removed” it completely by adding /* */ like this:
if ( !$height ) {
if ( ‘thumb’ == $type )
$height = constant( ‘BP_AVATAR_THUMB_HEIGHT’ );
$height = constant( ‘BP_AVATAR_FULL_HEIGHT’ );
In the “common.php” file found in the “wp-facebookconnect” folder go to line -66 and add “$dims2” like this:
function render_fb_profile_pic($user, $dims = 32, $dims2 = 10, $size = ‘square’ ) {
And change width=”{$dims}px” on line -68 to:
This was my quick “solution” using the standard bp-theme! Not the best but better than having the error message.