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Re: BuddyPress Future w/o MVC: Big Deal?



Of course not, that wasn’t my point. The registration functionality in WPMU is quite restrictive and cumbersome right now. That will improve though. If you’re concerned about this, then don’t consider BuddyPress as we’re only on version 1.0.

I was going to take the gamble that it would improve over time. Hearing most developers here dismissing any architectural criticism and only singing the praises of WordPress is not encouraging though.

You know why people that join fraternities rarely ever leave? Because once you’ve gone through the hazing, you’re more likely to stay.

Right, once you’ve decided on a platform it’s very hard to go anywhere else. You’re stuck.

Every couple of years I reevaluate what to use for my websites. I started on Nucleus. The current version of my project Web2NewYork is built on WordPress with a members registration system based on code taken from PunBB.

I switched to WordPress reluctantly only because it was becoming the standard. I’m now trying to consolidate on Buddypress, if I can everything working before September. If member management/registration does not improve I will have to switch to something else next year.

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