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Re: profile layout theme, I want it!



Thanks for the links.

I have seen the horizontal design as well, and I don’t especially care for that either. I have determined for my purposes that I don’t need that navigation at all.

That is an awesome facebook theme, but I don’t literally mean that I want it to look like facebook, I just want it to function more like facebook. Facebook has a very minimal amount of navigation by putting everything into “apps.” I don’t want to do that, but I also don’t think I need navigation just to see each of my friends’ events, groups etc. I am just interested in seeing who is attending each individual event, or who is a member of each individual group.

My ideal design is this: The front page lists upcoming events, new groups and recent activity including blog entries, which is already possible. The top navigation remains the way it is with links to each component. I can see my own profile and friends’ profiles. I can see a list of all events, all groups, and within those events and groups I can see who is attending. Finally, each group has events and a blog. Each blog is primarily used to talk about and link to the group’s events. I guess that is exactly what we already have, but I feel like the default design is almost too much functionality for my needs.

I think I am going to take apart the default member theme and show you what I mean. Then we can go from there, because I think a lot of people might like a more simple member theme.

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