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Re: BuddyPress plugins and theme not loading



Just so we can say we tried this:

  1. Please delete BuddyPress from the plugins folder. You can keep the bphome and bpmember themes in their proper places.
  2. Then deactivate all other plugin
  3. Log out of WPMU and clear your browser’s cache
  4. Redownload BuddyPress
  5. Remove the themes folder from the download as it is not needed–you already have the themes installed (we’ll assume for now that they are in good shape)
  6. Upload BuddyPress to /wp-content/plugins/
  7. Optional Step: Go outside and turn in a counterclockwise circle three time. Circumference of circle is not relevant.
  8. Fire up WPMU, log in as site admin and go to the plugins menu
  9. If it is visible, try activating it sitewide

Let me know what happens

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