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Re: BuddyPress Privacy Component: An Update




Thanks for the mockup and idea. Anything is possible. I do imagine that whatever privacy code makes it into Core, that it may appear under the Settings menu.

However, an argument can be made that this is a full-blown component, not unlike Groups, Profile, Blogs, Friends, etcetera. Therefore, it should be given equal status as such-especially since it is a very important feature. Most new users, maybe even some seasoned users, may not notice a privacy option in their settings menu. It is probably better to put it front and center.

Also, since there was no guarantee that my Privacy Component would be chosen to be the Core privacy version, I decided to offer a separate main-menu level like many other plugins do.

By the way, your mockup does not show the additional third column that appears only when a user selects the “These Users Only” option from the “Who Can View” drop down list. See the screen shot in the OP.

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