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Re: BuddyPress Privacy Component: An Update



Please remember that based on the BuddyPress roadmap, some form of a privacy component will be integrated into Core for v1.2.

But, before that comes out, there will be a public beta of my Privacy Component. I have talked with Andy and he said to proceed with the testing. So, right now, the alpha version of my component is in a very limited-release private alpha. I am almost ready to release the alpha 2 version which will also be a private release.

Once the beta version is ready (which I’m now estimating to be around December 1st), it will be uploaded to the WP Plugin Repository and available for everyone to test. Please remember that it will still be a pre-release version which means that it should not be used in a production environment.

Of course, as I’ve said before, even with all of this testing, there is still no guarantee that my Privacy Component will become the de facto core privacy component. Only time, and your feedback, will tell.

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