Re: BuddyPress Spam
I removed/commented out the create a blog option from the member registration form while still keeping blog creation on. I only left access to the bp create a blog form for users is_loggedin Only. By tucking it away within the member profile for the member to create a blog later during their profile detailing/editing process, I was able to get to the point where I only needed to delete crap members that get in, not crapmembers + crapblogs that get created at one time wasting all my low number blogIDs!
At the end of the day, if you’re running BPmu you don’t really need to have insta-blog. The option to create a blog is link within the member profile “dash” that they can get around to when they feel settled. I’ve found it’s easier for the user to get their profile up and running first and then breathe and think of a good blog name/url after they’ve logged in for the first time.
but if you really really want instablog, which really isn’t that instant due to the wp-admin of it all. Plus, it’s not really instant because there are too few frontend posting options in member themes for the user to start posting right away, so no need for instablog in registration process, so just indicate to your user that they can do that part later. if you still want blog creation at first registration, then you can keep up the good fight by zapping spammers and their blogs.