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Reply To: Change the default activity tab



Wow, I think I just figured out how to do it. It’s kind of hacky but I’ll share it with yall anyway.

1. Make sure that you’re working on a child theme of the BP Default theme.
2. Copy/paste the contents of bp-default/activity/index.php into your child theme’s activity/index.php folder
3. Find the line <li class="selected" id="activity-all"> and delete class="selected"
4. Scroll down a few lines further to <li id="activity-friends"> and insert class="selected" just after id="activity-friends"

And that should be it. One thing I’ve noticed though is that the browser still seems to remember what the last tab was that you were using. But if you login into your account with a completely new browser then your default activity tab will be “Friends”.

If anyone else has a less “hacky” solution then by all means share with us.

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