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Re: Community and Support (Forum)

phos flip


Just adding to this rather than creating a new topic:

I keep getting an error when trying to upload an avatar (on here):

Upload Failed! Error was: Unable to create directory /home/buddypress/public_html/wpmu/wp-content/blogs.dir/1/files/avatars/6656263. Is its parent directory writable by the server?

Also get a ’page not found’ whenever trying to search through search pages with multiple pages

And when I do look through searches there seems to be endless spam.

Appreciate there seem to be only a very small number of people keeping things going on here and they obviously give an awful lot so I really don’t want to offend, but it does seem that it’s not the best advert for using buddypress.

That said I’m using it anyway and looking forward to it too!

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