Re: custom slug via bp-custom makes menu icons disappear
Ok, I solved this.
When changing slugs, css needs to be hacked a little to show the icons properly. For example, when you change groups slug to communities in bp-custom like this:
define('BP_GROUPS_SLUG', 'communities');
You will need to find the following css entry from base.css locating at bp-themes/buddypress-member/css/.
li a#user-groups, li a#my-groups {background: url(../images/groups_bullet.gif) 88% 52% no-repeat;}
Copy above, create a file called custom.css if you haven’t done yet. Modify the css to:
li a#user-communities, li a#my-communities {background: url(../../images/groups_bullet.gif) 88% 52% no-repeat;}
And upload custom.css to bp-themes/buddypress-member/css/custom-components/
That’s it!!