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Re: Different home pages for logged-in/logged-out users



For hotdvl666 – You could start by, say, creating a copy of the index.php file from the bp-default theme folder, and placing that into your Unplugged theme folder. This will over-ride the original.

You could then add the following to the top of the index.php copy you placed in your theme’s folder:

<?php if (!is_user_logged_in()) { ?>

Place HTML you want non-logged-in users to see here.

<?php } else { ?>

Then on the last line of your copy, you just have to close the if … else statement:

<?php } ?>

That seems to me like a good starting place. It basically just says, if the user is not logged in, I’m gonna display the HTML you enter, otherwise, I’m gonna do the normal theme thing to do. This is minimally invasive and should work fine. If it breaks something, just remove the index.php copy from your theme’s folder.

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