Re: Does BuddyPress Have Modifiable (non-Translation) Language Files?
I followed those instructions but it’s not clear to me what to put in the bp-custom.php file. Let’s say I name my translation buddypress2.po (and I have the corresponding Where do I put “buddypress2” in the code:
`define( ‘BPLANG’, ‘mysite’ );
if ( file_exists( WP_PLUGIN_DIR . ‘/buddypress-‘ . BPLANG . ‘.mo’ ) ) {
load_textdomain( ‘buddypress’, WP_PLUGIN_DIR . ‘/buddypress-‘ . BPLANG . ‘.mo’ );
Also, am I meant to put buddypres2.po and .mo into the folder /plugins/ or the folder /plugins/buddypress/ ? The article is unclear about that.