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Re: External Blogs




I already have a working External Blogs plugin. Requires SimplePie. It adds a new settings menu to set up an external blog and saves it to the user meta table. It’s displayed under Blogs > My Ext. Blogs and provides template tags for display in the front end.

The settings page has the following fields:

– Blog URL

– Check feed button (after entering the blog URL, the check feed button checks the blog for discoverable RSS feeds and reads the result into the following fields)

– Feed URL

– Blog Title

– Blog Description

Finally, the plugin also implements a user selectable blog avatar. Users can select from a number of pre defined thumbnails. This part could be taken out.)

All data is stored as one option in the user meta table.

As it is now, the plugin has specific wording and naming for our site requirements but that can be edited easily and modified to create a generic plugin. I can provide the plugin code to you if you want to use it as a base for a generic community plugin.

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