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Re: Fans



Thanks Burt and JJJ.

So, logged-in user A visits the profile of user B and, under the “Add Friend” and “Send Message” buttons, there is a “Follow” button.

Pressing this causes:

1. User A’s avatar and name, linking to his profile, to appear in a section of User B’s profile called “Fans” or “Followers”.

2. User B’s avatar and name, linking to his profile, to appear in a section of User A’s profile called “Following”

3. Relationship is upgraded to Friends is user B ever happens to follow user A … OR request A’s friendship.

(4. Possible feature for later implementation, but not a priority – The activities of users you follow appear in a special Twitter-style stream section of your home page).

I am not a coder but, from your discussion, it seems it would be relatively straightforward, but would it put too much load on the server?

I figure it would be roughly the same burden as the Friends feature, but possibly more because people may well end up with more Followers/Fans than Friends i.e. your profile might display 3 of 3 Friends but 5 of 30 Followers/Fans.

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