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Re: Forum hacking tip (and a plea to BP developers)

Boone Gorges


I’d be curious to hear more about what people miss about the bbPress admin panel. If it’s about activating plugins, I’m afraid that access to bb-admin.php won’t do any good. If the plugin is compatible with BP, then you should be able to put it in the WP plugin dir and activate it. But chances are good that it won’t be, as BP and bbPress are very different at the level of the template. bbPress plugins, at least the ones that have big surface effects, need to be rewritten to some extent to be compatible.

If the purpose is group-independent forums, then I think that a far, far better solution is to rig up a way to have some groups “unlisted”, so that their forums, while still attached to groups, would seem group-free. Not entirely trivial, but easy enough, and far, far less overhead than an entirely separate installation of bbPress that has to be separately themed, etc.

Or is there something else about the bbPress admin panel I’m forgetting? I suppose it would be kinda nice to have a place to see all topics at a glance from the admin panel.

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