Re: friend invite and group invite
Hi BuddyPress is Core: 1.0-RC1 / Messages: 1.0-RC1 / Profile: 1.0-RC1 / Groups: 1.0-RC1 / Friends: 1.0-RC1 / Blogs: 1.0-RC1 / Activity: 1.0-RC1 / Wire: 1.0-RC1 / Forums: 1.0-RC1 /
MU 2.7
Some more symptoms or are they causes:
When I try and search for a member/user created at MU I cannot find the member. When I update the member/user’s profile at buddypress I get the member/user.
From an error message I am being told in bp that a member need to have complete at least one field in their profile to be active.