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Re: Friends and Groups for BuddyPress 1.3



@Peter Why would you ask that question in this thread? I’m sure Bowe can tell you how many are in the Dutch BP community in a less non-sequitor thread, no?

His screenshot was full of Dutch and said Brajesh is in the Netherlands as well. Just thought it was surprising/funny. Apologies for any offense.

Yes, Facebook burned “friending” into the lexicon and made a mess of things as far as that definition goes. But it’s here and it’s what we have to work with. … We should start with what a “friend” means/should mean in the BP environment.

Just because Facebook has it doesn’t mean Buddypress has to have it. Imho Buddypress should concentrate on profiles, (micro)blogging and groups. I’m certainly not in favor of turning levels of friending into Buddypress’ center piece as Bowe’s screenshot basically proposes.

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