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Re: Get inspired – Fantastic theaming in Anahita Social Engine!



These screen captures have been out for a bit.

To set the record straight this is completely doable for BP. Our custom theme is similar to this.

My team has seen what Anahita can do. It’s a good setup and code base.

The code is clear, theming is not that difficult.

Having said that we declined a partnership and instead put our contributions toward the Buddypress and automattic stack because of the community which exists today.

A community with plugins, themes, and developers that are never hard to reach.

Of course it would be nice if Matt would maybe lend some help to Andy (dedicated BP) because with any competing product comes comparisons and bigger wishlists.

Even though BP just came out with 1.1.1 it still feels like things are just starting to warm up. Anahita has a ways to go to get here.

(from my iPhone, sorry if this doesn’t make sense.)

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